First of all...... saw a lot of ppl "praising" her bravery.....
Huh? I thought it is an open secreat that she is right? Even Ming Gor seems to be like one, he rarely gets onto the Star Gossip pages of newpaper. On the other hand, HOCC, every so often, u see her getting involve?
No matter who avows that they are gay / Leabian, I really think it is their own business...... Really, at the event like this, I think the chance of encouraing the members, should not be used for ones own good.
Although she said she should hv done it yrs ago, but she hasn't right? Why do it in an event when u know there wouyld be large amount of press?
Quite a while ago, I caught ppl saying that her career is running down hill, and I hv hear little abt her ever since (even I watch music channel). I don't think that is not a hint that her career is no longer at the top of the selebrities.
To me....... no matter it is the group invites her to do the talk, or she volunteered to do so..... it involves a heavy sense of publicity to me. Therefore, no praising, no admiring of bravery what so ever!
BTW, I Support ppl who loves their same sex, I even hv more than one fd who is a member, their love is much more simple than heterosexual lovers. I saw fds who announced the fact to their family, ends up family hate towards whatever he does afterwards. I hv fd who does the same, but by hving a loving mother after a moments of shock, accepting her daughter's lover. I feel happy for them when they finally overcomes all the difficulties.
BUT, I cannot support stars who uses this to gain benefit.
I think it is rude = =+
