2012年6月27日 星期三

New job, new start!!~

Well...... as our sis cafe started, so has my new full time job~!!
First of all~ Since its the starting of sis cafe~ Macrone for everyone!!!~ Homemade!!~ >W< they were lovely!!

 (I know, my mobile camera sucks.... i'll change it soon)
Anyway, first day wasn't bad, all three of us handled well...... but the 2nd day..... a complete chaos!!
We arranged quite a few medias on same day, since there weren't many bookings...... BUT THEN!!! walkin customers!!!! GOSH!!!!! We were working our asses off!! Not to mention some sis were the first day to work!! >"<
Not just us outside was like an eyeless fly..... the kitchen..... er...... We all figured to stay out the way~~XDDDDDD
Right~ So, properly starting on 1st July~!! Do feel free to make a booking~~ I guess it would become much harder once the press is released~ (got quite a few actually)
Last of the sis topic~ Shop owners' interview with Magazine reporter~~

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Now~~ my new job~~
It's kind of straight forward I think I can say. However, I had 3 yrs of living in a lifestyle when I get up at 11:00 am(or later), then get to bed at 2:00 am......
Now.... get up at 7:30 am...... get out to work by 8:15 am...... it's slightly hard to tune in. I know I hv to get to bed earlier, so I did! Went to bed at 11:00pm..... then.......
Hell!! I was exausted in the morning!! Why am I not sleepy!?!! I don't understand!!!
I am now only sleeping 6 hrs or less / day I guess...... Can someone knock me out at 10:00pm everyday......OTZ

2012年6月21日 星期四

Finally Starting~~~

Finally!! Our 妹系event is ready~!!>/////<
All meetings and drawing are finally over..... jesus...... thank god for that......
Do feel free to call in and make a booking with us!!

By the way, this above event is not the only reason for me not to update the blog here for soooooooooooooo long~~~!!
I was actually in the ZIC racing car event!!!
To be a racing girl!! somthing I would not imagine before!!
Spent a very special weekend up there fore the TRC team~! Congrads for them to winning a first and a second~~~ 
The most interesting thing for me was able to get a ride on one of them cars!!>//////< Haris was doing a shift show for the ZIC, he said he needed a helper for the show. That helper would need to stand right in the middle of the racing track, and the car will shift around the helper!
I didn't really hesitate to agree~~ Just..... Only I was a little nervous after I got on the car~~!! The heat and the tense around u is quite scary. I couldn't feel it while sitting aside....... Only after got onto the car, I realised...... er...... this car will be doing shifts~!!
First feeling the car started moving....... Wow! It  was fast!! (wtf) I was forced onto the seat tightly by the speed the car was going!! Then, as  soon as the crowd started cheering, the shift started!!! Was still a little nervous.....
Anyway, no going back!! 
Off we went, well...........actually..............it wasn't scary at all!! XDDDDD Just feels like being thrown around a bit, but i was protected by the car seat, so I was fine.(Not thrown out from the car). 
So,being in the car was fine..... the show part!! I was never afraid of standing really..... I think Haris though I will burst out screaming, even offered James to stand with me = =!! I was fine!! Really!! See!! Immmmmmm soooooooooooooo at ease!!!!!! (lol)
I'll update more pic later~ This is all I hv for now~

2012年6月18日 星期一


FINALLY!!!! My awful days were done with my last compnay!!
So, giving myself a few days off~!! Now, staying at my parents' home in the country side~~ (btw I moved out to live alone 4 yrs ago)
Not until I moved out, I'd never know how peaceful, how comforting it can be to stay here. The air is nice, the pace is slow, I really get to relax myself!!! 
Er...... however, like many ppl say...... once u r relaxed from all the tense..... it is likely that u will get ill!! Maybe not so true for everyone, but definately for me.... =0=""
Got home, rests for 2 days........ and......... I'm sick~!!! Gutted!! ><"
Nose blocked, throat feels burning, headache.....etc....... started off by feeling just sleepy, nothing more. Then all the symtoms kicked in. Had my medicine, still feeling very sleepy....... body aching......... I wish I can just go to sleep then feel completely fine when I wake up!! >""<
Luckly!!! Although I'm feeling bad~~ I still hv my baby with me>///////<
Bui Bui~!!! \(>/////3/////<)/

2012年6月9日 星期六

P Cafe event~

P cafe now is preparing a new event!! Or.... well..... I am actually preparing the new event~!
P Cafe Link~~
We were gonna do a maid cafe event~ It kinda feel fun~ We though~ XDDDDDD However, after brain storming, we thought..... maid is getting a bit "yeah yeah, maid... right, again"~~ 
 SO!!! We're doing something a little different!~
Have any of u seen the following anime?

Well, it seems to be that it is actually a trend that....... Soooooooo many anime are about sisters!!! Especially younger sisters "妹" . The first one <<俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない>>  was actually quite good, story quite touching(at some points) .
 The other 2...... well, <<パパのいうことを聞きなさい!>> was also a touching story, but Im not really into these type of anime~ TOOOOOOO Touching...... got a little sad 
<<偽物語>>...... I gave up watching after the first 2 minutes......no idea wtf is happening, maybe i just didn't hv the patience to watch on...... but..... er...... a little too weird for me......
ANYWAY, Back to topic!! These animes all hv something or other to do with younger sis~~~ SO!!! We're going to do a Sis CAFE!!! 妹系咖啡廳DESU!!!!!
Hohohohoho~ First of all~ Recruited 5 new girls~ Will be arranging a photo shoot on Wed...... = =!!! 3 days of non stop working...... Got a little tired really....... However, it is actually quite fun!! XDDDDD
Before open booking for public, we will be arranging a close door VIP day for our cafe members & media. Well, just a little treat for treat for fds who keep reading my blog~~ Will be allowing bookings to be done in this blog~~~~
Just experience from be4, after the media came and magazine are issued..... it tends to get pretty hard to make booking~~~ So, if ur just comming for a try~~ Do feel free to leave a msg~~~
Here are 2 new items for the event menu!
This is the new strawberry milk~~ Not bought~!! this is specially prepared ourself~~!!

Next is Panda(?) Bear (?) Pafait~~~~ SOOOOO Cute!!! >/////< The portion would get smaller.......
This one is toooo large = =!!! After eating it, I couldn't hv anything else more......

So, that's for today~!! >W< See u guys~~~

2012年6月7日 星期四

Tutorial~ Headband!!!

I just hate it when this happens.......
i typed the whole blog..... including all pics.......
One connection error....... THE WHOLE FLIPPING BLOG IS GONE!!!!
Anyway, tutorial~!!
Ribbon headband!! (not the blue ribbon clip~~XDDDD )

I was gonna do that one, but....... er........ well, when i sat in front of the dresser........ hum....... i'll do a different one instead!! 

First of all, these are what u need to hv on the table.
* Scissors
* Double sided-tape
* Sewing kit
* Headband
* Black Ribbon (2cm width)
* Black Ribbon (0.5cm width)
* Pink Ribbon (2cm width)
It is best if u hv glue gun, but not necessary tough~
1) Decide how big u would like ur ribbon to be. Cut it out and put it a side for now.

2) Stick the double sided-tape onto the headband.

3) Put the ribbon all round the headband.
 4) Stick ur 0.5cm black ribbon onto the headband, just put a thin strip of double sided-tape on the black ribbon. (Do remember to leave the black ribbon a little longer)

5) Do the same to the bit of pink ribbon that we cut out eariler~ XD

6) Get a small piece of 2cm black ribbon, with the same sticking on ribbon method as above, wrap it round the ENDS of the headband. The ribbon should overlap at the end.U can put some stitching in at the ends if u want it to make sure it doesn't come off.

(OK, I admit I mixed up the process at first~ , but this is what it suppose to look like after wrapping.)

7) Fix the ribbon shape with ur sweing kit~XD then sew it onto wherever u want it to go on the headband.  Here I suggest u use the glue gun, so it holds the ribbon on better.

8) Finally, get a small piece of pink ribbon, wrap it round the ribbon AND the headband. Again, do sew the ends togather if u want it to be fixed firmly.


BTW..... as u can see, my pink ribbon is not wide enough to cover up the whole headband. I knew this is gonna be like this, it is why i choose to use black ribbon. If u don't want this effect, u can use a wider ribbon, or matching coloured ribbon and headband.
SO that's it~~! have fun guys!!