Went to see this duck, the week be4~~ It's now sinked(?) leaked(?) I think~~

Have to say....... It's pretty ugly~~XDDDD From far and even some pics, it might look very cute, but actually, it's got wrinckles all over it, like the news said the wind the rain's causing the duck a little damage~~~
I didn't went to see the duck....... I just happened to have to go into Harbor City....... Hell, the amount of ppl!! Jeasus!!! Also it was saturday~ Q^Q
Really, I hate going to Harbor City for its decorations....... however beautiful it looks, the effort having to puish my way through the sea of ppl......... I'd rather not go......... = =!!!!
For dinner that night, went to Pokka Cafe The Grand~

First of all......... I made a super big trouble for the waitress when going into my seat.........
The tables were too close to each other!! My bag spillt the water on the next table, also, when I tried to sit down, I broke my plate by pulling the table cloth accidently........ SUPER EMBRASSING!!! >/////<
Felt like leaving that restaurant at once!! Q_Q
Anyway, we didn't, my fd sat down calmly and pretent nothing happened...... OTZ!!! So sorry Vincent......
As usual~~ The food~~~~
Er.......... Bread served........... Alone.............. WTH?!
I guess it was supposed to come with the soup, but it came toooo soon, i took my time eating it(cos it was warm, dont wanna waste it), still, the soup came long while after I finished the bread........

Right~~~! Soup~~ It was served like this:
1) The waitress put this massive bowl/plate on your table.
2) The waitress came to your table with a jar in her hand... the soup was poured into the plate.....

It was quite funny when seeing it served like this, but, wasn't hot, just a warm soup.........also, it means the soup was not fresh from the kitchen........even I knew its not done when order, it really doesn't feel good when seeing the jar put aside for a long while before another table has made their order. = =!!! It reminds me that...... we just did the same.....
Taste...... Vegetable soup...... slightly less salty than canned soup, but other than that, I think it is just soup....... don't know whatelse to comment.....
Anyway, next came the starter~~ Caviar with scallop~~~
It was.... warm..... and cold........ = =!!! dodgy..........
Starter I guess wasn't suupposed to taste brilliant, but......I think u can say it is refreshing, the scallop was also quite nice, soft and doesn't hv the horrible fishy taste. At the same time...... it really just taste of cucumber, carrots, caviar and scallop........ The sauce was just there looking pretty.......

Main course....... I ordered lamb of coz~~~
See the risotto my fd ordered?? I rather I had that. Honestly......... I paid this amount of money for this quality of food? I'd rather go to the private kitchens. Hard, warm(again), random meat taste......
I'm pretty concern with the temperature with food...... It doesn't have to be boiling hot, but at least not served at a temperature as if it has been set aside and forgotten for a while. ="=

The only promising dish....... dessert........

The 2 white lumps on the plate was pudding, it was pretty soft, very milky, but not too sweet, also like tofu~! The mousse......... Well, if even a mousse can't be good, I think this restaurant I will not go again.........
Overall...... Can't make a sure commnet of it to be good or not. I might go again to see if I order something else, would it be better........ Cos at a restaurant like this, it really can't be that........ average......... = =!!!
Tell you guys the result next time I go~~~ OTZ!!!!