My bad~~~ =P
Been pretty lazy recently, I think must be the whether~~~~ XDDDDD
I really cant express how much I hate this whether..... humid, hot, sticky. Urgh!!!!
My house is always wet, and with my dog's hair........ God help me.......Q^Q
So.... the latest movie~~~
Ironman 3...... talk about it maybe in another blog, coz everyone is talking abt it~~~ Kinnda nothing much to say for me~~ =P
Actually, I went to see "The Host".
If you hvn't seen it and don't wanna know about it yet, please leave now =P

Well, I hv to say it really suprised me of how good it actually was~ I hadn't got much hope of this to be brilliant when walked into the cinema. First, the cast is not any super famous stars.... Story is kindda random love.....again.....(I hv never been into love movies)
BUT, that was my impression before watching it, when I came out, Wow~~~ I like this movie!
Well.... I think the writer has put more thought into it than twilight...... The whole backgroup was pretty fresh. Normally, when aliens take over human world, they tends to take over everything their way, or, just distroy.
This, is different, they adapt to humans, I think this is a very new thought for aliens, then came the main character, Melaine. At 1st I though, this is a story how Mel fight back the alien who took over her body(Wanda) and take back in control.... boring.... but, again.....nope! Different approach. This is about how Wanda lives with Melaine inside her, and find her own path. Whether to fit in to the aliens' society(the aliens were named Souls), or to find the remining humans. Sometimes you can even see Wanda taking her own steps and not blindly listening to Mel, the balance of Wanda being her and do what Mel tells her to do was just right. Both Mel and Wanda's character was vivid.
The Most impressive scene... I think must be the field inside the cave. The colour tone, was so soft, so gentle....... After seeing rocks rocks, dessert, rocks, caves........ I think it was a scene where audiences can take a deep breath and relax slightly from then tense the whole film I think was building....
Casts........ only had 2 characters I had to talk about!!!
First, Emily Browning~

Have to say........ I remember her because I preferred her to be blond...... Baby Doll!!!
I watched Sucker Punch a long time ago, I like her character~~ Blond girl, good fighter, brave~~ However, here....... I think they really have pulled down her beautiful side................@_@
BTW, if u guys don't know Baby Doll, here's another character played by her you must know....... The elder sister of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events!!
Isn't it quite fun to find a character you knew from long ago, now grew up and acting another character? XDDDDD
Another familar face....... Jake Abel!!

His character was Ian, one of the remaining humans who hated Souls. However, after a while (story story), he begain the grew to love Wanda.....blah blah blah.......

Im sorry, big fan of Supernatural here~~~
Didn't like Adam's character, but Jake was quite cute~~XDDDD But my favourite was still Dean~~~
After 3 years, Jake in The Host~~~ Woow~~~~ Not Bad!!!
Im more into guys looking slightly vicissitudes..... (?)
HA~ anyway, The Host was a good film, the love...... I think can't really make me feel the way they do, but the story, the scenes, the emotions other than love was pretty good!~~~~