2013年3月9日 星期六

3D Oz The Great and Powerful

Lovely Saturdays are normally used for relaxing urself~~~~
Relaxing are normally shopping, eating and watching movies~XDDDD

So, went to watch 3D Oz The Great and Powerful, Ummmmmmm I didn't really want to watch it at first, becoz its all the same story over and over again, but mochi choose it, so OK..... let's watch it~~=W=+ 

(will talk abt how story goes, if u hvn't want it and don't wanna know, do not read on~>.<)

Not going to talk much about the characters, i think everyone knows about them pretty well~~~ 

Starting off, film was bnw, the monitor was narrow~~ This was done like the 1939 The wizard of Oz, showing that the world they live in was sad, boring, black and white~~

 After they got to Oz, the monitor opened up wide, things turned in colour. In Oz, eyerything is bright and new, lots of different things to see and to looking forward to.

At first, I never thought Theodora was that wicked wich of the west~ Since, most stories from I saw never really give out her name, she was only known as the witch? Or hv I not seen enough?

Anyway, amazing at how she turned after hving an apple from Evanora (wicked witch of the East), this really supprised me at how the image of witches came from~~ the pointy hat and the broom. Also, I do think she is a sad character, all becoz she has never been loved, so simply fall for Oz's romance trap, then turned into a green witch(?) becoz of broken heart. 

Ungrateful man makes a wicked witch..... rite? 

Sooooooo true! XDDDD Guys, learn from it~~

Actually, Glinda's character in this film was quite different to what I though she was. As the good witch of the South, I have always rememered her to be very kind, gental, etc. Now, not that she isn't kind and gental, but she was made to be a little more cheeky~~ =P I quite liked that little change~~~~

 Finally, Evanora~~ Actually, I quite like her in this film~~ =P I think she was the most beautiful in the 3 witches. Somehow I think she was clever, just lack of a little knowledge and that lost her the kingdom ogf Oz~~~

There were some other characters such as the flying monkey and the chino doll~~ But, u know them all, not much character change~~ XDDDDD

Overall, movie wasn't bad~ Something to see for relaxing was fine~~ =P Just don't have toooo much of an expectation~~~

Anyway, after the film , went for a little shopping.... most of my shoes are getting old and falling apart........ = =!!!

And, this is what I got~~

Its actually pretty high, but the platform at the front helped a lot, it is quite comfortable~~ =P
Also I recently quite liked things in brown and pink~~ =P Looks like strawberry chocolate~!! >/////<

Finally, went to hv dinner in DIF, a restaurant in MK Ladies market~~~ It was recommended by many fds of mine~~~

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Starter~~~ Soup and garlic bread~~~

I loved that soup!!! Super creamy and just thick enough for a soup, not toooo thick like gue~~ >//////< Very good start~~!! 

I do think the way they serve the garlic bread was funny~~ its like a fusion between chinese and forien food~~ =P

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This is what I ordered, Fish Fillet with Crab Roe and ham in Pumpkin sauce.
I don't really know how it started, I never like pumpkin when I was little..... then I grew up to like it very much!! =0=" And same as cucumber!!  I have to say, they got our food on the table fast~~ I think its becoz it was already 10:00pm by the time we ordered?? =P

It was nice, very creamy~~(i like creamy stuff, a lot!) The ham was in between the fillet, so fillet was not just fish fish~~~ Ham helped in adding flavour~~ =P Personally I don't like hving fish alone~~~~

And, I do think many HK ppl like Spaghetti soft..... but I never do, I like them al dente~~~
DIF did it quite well~~ >W< (or are them in a rush to close so no time to cook longer?)
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Mochi ordered this lamb with reed wine sauce........ Um......... It was surely un-cooked. You can tell from the photo right? Its pretty red inside. Almost bleeds a bit.........

I though it was beef, so though it was normal, then mochi said he had stomach ach........ =0=" The sauce was nice, well, fair enough for a restaurant in ladies market. Didn't taste anything red wine, but it was nice to hv something different from normal garlic or pepper sauce.

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Finally our tea~~~~ Um........ Normal hot chocolate~~ 
Then got very into playing puzzle and dragon~~ =P 
So, that was my day~~~ >W<

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