Thank you.
As many of my fds knows, Im a cat lover~~ Well..... many now call thenselves cat slaves~~XDDD
My first cat was from the street, he was young, and happened to came and play with me in the park. It was a winter night, I just couldn't leave him on the street like that. So~~ He went home with me.
It was never my intension to let my cats go outside of the house, but it is difficult as I live on the outlaying islands of HK, my cats find their way out of the house = =!!!
I have had cat lovers screaming in my face saying how terrible I was to do so. In my point of view..... locking a cat up in a house for most time of their lives are even worse. It might be their way of having cats, becoz they live in flat that might be 10 floors high. However, everybody have their way in rearing their pets, screaming like that was just rude. Would you scream at a mother who lets her child go out to play with fds?
That's an open ended question, it depends on your opinion~~
Btw, I have 1 golden retriever and 3 & 1/2 cat. Why 1/2? Becoz she would not stay at my house~~ She only comes for dinner, and to sun bath on my roof~~XDDDD
Anyway, back to topic....... why all of a sudden I am to talk about cruelty towards animals?
This is why.

This is what I saw this morning. I hate to think this way, but in the middle of an open area, a plastic bag filled with water and a soaked cat dead body next to it. What does that look like to u? huh?
Can't you just imagine how the poor cat came to an end like this? I can, becoz I know that cat.
He was a stray cat, but very friendly and not afraid of human. He tended to call you with his cute little meow meow language for food, then let you touch and play with him. This, I would believe is why he got caught so easily.
Isn't it just ever so stupid to do something like that?
Can't the murderers feel how hopeless themselves are? Killing animals which cannot fight / do not have the power to fight back. How would it satisfy them to kill something so week?
Some psychologist said it might be becoz of the spiritual emptiness, anger venting or social pressure. In my point of view.......... Excuses!
There are just so many things you can do to release your stress, your pressure. Go watch movie, go play boxing, go clubbing! For god's sake, learn to control youself, stop being such a fudging useless and meaningless stray animal killer.
Oh...... I though of a theory to why the ppl hv to kill stray animals. Jealouse, they're just mentally unbalanced.
Cats do not need to pay their rent, dogs do not need to deal with their boss, all they need to do is find food. People who are stress and under pressure are just jealous of how the stray animals can eat / sleep when they want, whereever they want. (Oh hell, im jealous too = =!!!)
Killing the animals don't just make them feel better & stronger, but also make them feel the stray animals hv nothing for them to be jealous of.
Well, I tell you, no matter how may cats/dogs tou kill, you are still a sad piece of Sh*t!!
Fu*k You!!!
