I hv begun to hv a habbit of writing blogs like months later after the event~~~
I still hv pending blogs of comic fair and CW to write about~~ By now I think not many of u would want to read about~~~ Cos its so outdated~~~~
This Final Fantasy concert, I hv to say, I got the tickets by luck!!!
My fd has given me the tickets becoz he was not able to go that night, no way for not going~~~~XDDDD
So, all dressed up that day, looking pretty for the concert~~~!!>W<
No time for dinner, so Mc Donalds for the evening in car~~XDDDDD
And, arrival~~~~ XDDDDD

Entrance, as a concert, there were really that many ppl~~~
Well, for HK, this is only a minor event~~~ (quoted by a report I know)
This is the hall before u go into the concert hall~~~ Its quite amazing that the hv F & B here~~ And, even Beer!! =0="
Message board~~~>W< My favourite was FFX-2 Rikku, but the board only had enough space for small words, couldn't draw!! T^T
Had a look at what goods were there.........
There weren't really that many goods to choose from really~~
I wanted to buy that CD, but, the queue...... = =" I'll buy from outside...........
As from here, I think I wasn't allow to take photo~~~ But I did, n the staff was right next to me, so~~ =W=+
Huge posters~~~~
Back to here, Once you have played the game, they give u a free post card. Since I didn't, so I hvn't got it~~
BUT!!! they hv another one which u subscribe to PS, they give u another post card for free~!
Lightening~~~ >///////<Inside~~~ HERE WE GO!!!! area A!!! SOOOO CLOSE!!!!!
To make sure u guys know what it is, here's a London clip from youtube of this concert~~~
As a FF fan, I just can't miss this~~~(I cant say im a crazy fan though)
Well, to be honest, I hv played like 10 mins on FFX, cos i just hv not got a clue how to control, so always ending up watching my fd play till the end~~~
Basically, like I watched a movie!! XDDDDDD
The beginning song was soooooo beautiful!!! I've always liked it, but that was my first time hearing it in whole, cos in final fantasy dissidia, it does not get to the singing part~~~ =P
there were lots of familiar songs, well, especially familiar to me were FF 7, FF 8 , FF X, FFX-2~~
From the London version, they have eyes on me~~~~ I wish HK had that>/////< I love that song!!!
FFVIII was the reason of why I'm so into other FF~~~
Many years ago...... I watched a fan video clip of FF VIII!! The story!!! OMG!!!!! I just couldn't help but to think about it for soooooooooo LONG!!!!!
That was my first love story for a male game character~~ XDDDDDD
For those who don't know? HERE'S THE ENDING VIDEO FOR U~!!!!
Back to the concert, to the end, the encore song was this~! XDDDDD
They must hv this in every single concert~~!! How can they not hv it~~XDDDD
Anyway, in between the concert we had to move seats!!!
This, was supposed to be a concert!!!
I know fans are excited about it, I know there are lots of resonances~~~
It fine if u talk for like a few conversation when u know that song, but all though the whole first part, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
They were mainlanders, I know cos I can tell from their accent~ JESUS, I was trying my best to ignor them, but they were like flies flying round you. SOOOOOOO FU*KING ANNOYING!!!
I had no idea why they hv so much to talk about! I can just take them as HUGE FANS of FF, if they were only talking about the game, but, guess what? NO!!! They were talking about something else other than FF!!!! If it really isn't something so important, can't u just SHUT UP?! GOD!!
That's why I dislike mainlanders, they give me a reason to dislike them, really!! It is no longer a culture problem, it is abt manners OK!? Rude is just not a culture!!
Anyway, I moved seat, enjoyed the rest of the evening in peace, at last, I didn't go for name signing. I couldn't be bothered to do so~~~XDDDD I had nothing on my hand for the Mr. Nobuo Uematsu to sign anyway!! It'd be rude to let him sign on the free postcards~~~
So, that's it, another pending blog clear~!!! >W<