This time, im gonna do a review of the Hong Kong Doujin event (Fan event) of the musical Marchen of Sound Horizon.
For those of u who does not know much about Sound Horizon, if you would like to know about them, check this out~
The show that a group of fans recreated that show in HK, who happened to be fds of mine, so gave them a hand~~ XDDDD
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Befor going into the show backstage, here are some of their video clips + Pics~>W< Enjoyyyy~~

The Doll who stand by Mar and watch / carry out the revenge~~ Her voice was an exact duplicate of the original~!!
She is definitely my favorite~ Kiyo~~ She played many characters, mostly queens and witches, she had a super busy time, but still performed so well~!! It is not easy to remember so many songs and not mixed up AND with acting~~ Respect~!!!
OMG!!! Prince~!!! My PRINCE~!!!!!!!! KISS ME PLEASE!!!!! (shut up)))
For those of you who does not want to go through a long story~~ I'll put this show in short~~ XDDDD
Basically its a mixture of few Grimms Märchen but in a twisted way. Its dark, its full of hate and revenge. For example, when snow white woke up after the kiss from the prince, she had her revenge by letting her step mother to put on a pair of red hot iron shoes... When the Sleeping beauty woke up, she ordered the witch to be headed...... etc.
All the stories were linked together by the stone well, the doll and Mar. They go through from one story to another, helping the "victims" get their revenge back. Why he did that? I'll leave that for those of u who are interested to watch the musical. Really, worth watching~!
I have to say a big thank you to my lovely Aya from Moonster Creation, who has helped a lot in that~ She didn't hv time to help with the whole set cos she was doing "Dogs" at the time, but she gave me place and material for us to work on~
All of the backstage crew went through a very tough time on preparing all the props. I joined the project about January..... it was already a rush~~ Most of us backstage could barley sleep becoz of the incomplete scene settings. Lots of props were no where near ready, so I got some more fds to help~~XDDDDD Thanks guys~~~
However, in the middle of it, i dropped..... serious illness, high temp, could barley walk. Sorry people~!! Q_Q Anyway, my job was mainly helping out as a dresser who gets all the actresses and actors to change / dressed~~~ Most of them are not very good in putting on stage make up~~ Neither am I, just I have more experience in makeup than some of them~~ Especially the guys~~XDDDD Oh gosh~~ I loved the guys' face when they are putting on that white base~~~ They looked almost horrified~~~
It was actually quite a good show, I was amazed how good the singing was~~ They were not entirely up to the top standard to be fair, but they were very good for a Fan event. I saw them putting in the effort into this show. Non of us were paid for it, all of this was from pure love towards Sound Horizon. I am looking forward to their other shows~~~
Almost everbody~~ XDDDD Some are not here~~~
Crew setting up lighting and the place and everything~~~ =P
Briefing~~~~ >W< Everybody were tired, but u can tell they are excited from the eyes~~ >///3///<
Having a stage walk when set up~~~
Our SM likes that bed I'm telling ya~~~XDDDD
It was hard for me to make comments of this show, cos I could not see the complete show when I was so busy undressing the actresses / actors and then dressing them back up~~~
Its not the first time i was involved in a drama play.... but definitely the first I had most things to do~~~ ((used to be a little helper only, this time im head of the dresser team~~ >^<))
This is only part of the costume.... mostly are round the corner..... Q^Q
This is the most exciting part~~ I've never seen a control penal part~~XDDD So mysterious~(?)
This Marchen show was only part A, part B is when the actors/actresses come out to sing their own songs~~ That part I watched at the backstage (They hv TV showing the stage!! So Cooolll!!) I loved it~~~ Lovely singing and the guitar~!! OMG!! Loved that part!! )))) XDDDD

Anyway, the show was tensed, but new fds were made(So did haters, but oh well)). Learnt lots of stuff, did something very new and got a nice experience~~ I also enjoyed the feeling that everyone is sharing their favorite songs in the dressing room~~>///////< So nice~~~
Would love to do it again~~~!!!
Finally~~ A little selfie~~ XDDDD
We did a dress rehearsal the night before, so we booked a few rooms to stay the night~~~ Somehow one of the dressers Yan brought this buddah head mask~~!! XDDDD
P.S. Apart from the bed, I guess our SM liked that suitcase too~~~ XDDDDD