First of all~ Since its the starting of sis cafe~ Macrone for everyone!!!~ Homemade!!~ >W< they were lovely!!

(I know, my mobile camera sucks.... i'll change it soon)
Anyway, first day wasn't bad, all three of us handled well...... but the 2nd day..... a complete chaos!!
We arranged quite a few medias on same day, since there weren't many bookings...... BUT THEN!!! walkin customers!!!! GOSH!!!!! We were working our asses off!! Not to mention some sis were the first day to work!! >"<
Not just us outside was like an eyeless fly..... the kitchen..... er...... We all figured to stay out the way~~XDDDDDD
Right~ So, properly starting on 1st July~!! Do feel free to make a booking~~ I guess it would become much harder once the press is released~ (got quite a few actually)
Last of the sis topic~ Shop owners' interview with Magazine reporter~~

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Now~~ my new job~~
It's kind of straight forward I think I can say. However, I had 3 yrs of living in a lifestyle when I get up at 11:00 am(or later), then get to bed at 2:00 am......
Now.... get up at 7:30 am...... get out to work by 8:15 am...... it's slightly hard to tune in. I know I hv to get to bed earlier, so I did! Went to bed at 11:00pm..... then.......
Hell!! I was exausted in the morning!! Why am I not sleepy!?!! I don't understand!!!

I am now only sleeping 6 hrs or less / day I guess...... Can someone knock me out at 10:00pm everyday......OTZ