So, giving myself a few days off~!! Now, staying at my parents' home in the country side~~ (btw I moved out to live alone 4 yrs ago)
Not until I moved out, I'd never know how peaceful, how comforting it can be to stay here. The air is nice, the pace is slow, I really get to relax myself!!!
Er...... however, like many ppl say...... once u r relaxed from all the tense..... it is likely that u will get ill!! Maybe not so true for everyone, but definately for me.... =0=""
Got home, rests for 2 days........ and......... I'm sick~!!! Gutted!! ><"
Nose blocked, throat feels burning, headache.....etc....... started off by feeling just sleepy, nothing more. Then all the symtoms kicked in. Had my medicine, still feeling very sleepy....... body aching......... I wish I can just go to sleep then feel completely fine when I wake up!! >""<
Luckly!!! Although I'm feeling bad~~ I still hv my baby with me>///////<
Bui Bui~!!! \(>/////3/////<)/
