i typed the whole blog..... including all pics.......
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Anyway, tutorial~!!
Ribbon headband!! (not the blue ribbon clip~~XDDDD )

I was gonna do that one, but....... er........ well, when i sat in front of the dresser........ hum....... i'll do a different one instead!!

First of all, these are what u need to hv on the table.
* Scissors
* Double sided-tape
* Sewing kit
* Headband
* Black Ribbon (2cm width)
* Black Ribbon (0.5cm width)
* Pink Ribbon (2cm width)
It is best if u hv glue gun, but not necessary tough~
1) Decide how big u would like ur ribbon to be. Cut it out and put it a side for now.

2) Stick the double sided-tape onto the headband.

3) Put the ribbon all round the headband.

4) Stick ur 0.5cm black ribbon onto the headband, just put a thin strip of double sided-tape on the black ribbon. (Do remember to leave the black ribbon a little longer)

5) Do the same to the bit of pink ribbon that we cut out eariler~ XD

6) Get a small piece of 2cm black ribbon, with the same sticking on ribbon method as above, wrap it round the ENDS of the headband. The ribbon should overlap at the end.U can put some stitching in at the ends if u want it to make sure it doesn't come off.

(OK, I admit I mixed up the process at first~ , but this is what it suppose to look like after wrapping.)

7) Fix the ribbon shape with ur sweing kit~XD then sew it onto wherever u want it to go on the headband. Here I suggest u use the glue gun, so it holds the ribbon on better.

8) Finally, get a small piece of pink ribbon, wrap it round the ribbon AND the headband. Again, do sew the ends togather if u want it to be fixed firmly.


BTW..... as u can see, my pink ribbon is not wide enough to cover up the whole headband. I knew this is gonna be like this, it is why i choose to use black ribbon. If u don't want this effect, u can use a wider ribbon, or matching coloured ribbon and headband.
SO that's it~~! have fun guys!!