They are Ryuichi, Ryohei & Keita.

My favourite? Of coz is Ryuichi Ogata!!>///////< (the one on the right)
This really isn't his best pic, but i love him anyway~~~XDDDDD
OK, it was their Move Like This tour 2012 in HK, we were super super looking forward to it!! So, got up early, all dressed up!!! I AM SOOOOOO READY!!!

Be4 arrive, kept my headphones on, already preparing myself to sing along with them~~XDDDD Also creating the tension for myself!! Im nuts really.... I know... =P
OK! So arrived!! Wondered around with fds and taking pics, fighting for buying goods....The usual stuff u know~=W=++

The red one was my favourite, I loved that W's design!!!

Our tickets~!!!! 6th Roll guys!!!>////////<

Our pic~~ Thanks to Yuki!! It must be her luck to be in such a goooood place to see our idols!!! (she bought the tickets for us)

As u can see, goods to buy in lives, of coz~~ The hand light yuki's holding is the MLT one, the pink towel is also an MLT towel~~~ However, this was my favourite!!

Isn't this gorgeous!?!! >/////<, Thank to Ryoko, this was hers, i arrived late, it sold out. Saw me wanting it soooo much, Ryoko sold it to me...... Love you la Baby!!>W<
Next, kept wondering round~~ Saw an old fd!! >W< KingOn!! I though he left Forward already~ But he said he went back~~~ >W< Well done!! So you get to talk to MY Ryuichi, SUPER Jealous!!!

BTW, a little moan...... As we were queuing up to go into the hall, the queue in front of us U turned, so we followed....... Next came a girl after us was yelling that we pushed in = =|||... Hell how do we know~ We were just following! We didn't know it was pushing in!
It really was a mess at that part of the queue, so we continually walked with that girl behind us.... = =" I really couldn't stand it..... I said "all places are set, it really doesn't matter u get in a few paces earlier or not."
She stopped for a sec, then kept saying same thing, I wish just let her go a few paces forward, but not possible, others will kill me = = Annoying annoying.........

One of the w-inds. fans group printed a super big batch of this blue banner, just to give out secretly so we can give w-inds. a big surprise during the encore part!~

Had a bit of time, look at how close we are comparing to front roll~~
This is where we were.....

This was the front roll!!! GOSH!!! I wish I can be here!!!

Again, Picture time~~XDDDD Com' on~~ What else could we do but taking pics to keep our emotion steady, so we will not yell out load like crazy!!

Finger lights, this was goods from be4, so fun to use!!>W< Borrowed it off Frankie(Girl on the right)...... A little regret didn't buy it be4.....Q^Q

Then..... One of my fd's called me!! Asking where I was!! XDDDDD I had to wave with my towel in my hand, looking like an idiot to let them find me~~XD
Vic!!! Miss her soooo much!! Used to be a famous w-inds. forum founder~~ That's where I knew her~~
I had my 18 CM tall high high high heels on, had to bend my knees to take a pic~~XDDD

Tsubasa~~ Long Time No See also!!! I used to host a web called Ogata house, we are both fans of Ryuichi!!>V< Also, he is one of the rare male fans of w-inds.!!

It was a super super high night..... it really isn't something i can describe..... I couldn't help to start crying in the encore song, I told no one, coz i know everyone felt the same....... wishing they would stay forever....... wishing this live will never end.........
See you next year......... w-inds..........