Bang on 6:00pm, I received a message in our collegues' whats app group "Girls, time to go for makeup~" Then, less than 5mins...... I saw ppl(mainly gender F) rushing out to wash room....=0=" Then the other department head came toour department for a little chichat~ He saw me said needn't u need to get some touchup on my face to do....... = =||||
I hv never thought this would be such a big deal......cos I was asked my dept. head was I supposed to dress up, and he said it is just a normal dinner look tidy will do.
HONESTLY......he's not the kind who cares about his look, nor do my other collegue in my deprtment...... So........ When I wait for everyone to finish their touching up, I went to put my contacts back on....... I need not to look amazing, but I can't stand to look unpresentful in this situation........

Others are putting so much on, I think a nude makup will do for me. So...... got there....... and...... Wine!!!!! Red and white were served, I hv always prefered red..... but the one we had last night..... smelt kindda cheap....tasted bad too......(I think it was just table wine) the white was better..... I bet it is becoz our owner bought the win ourselves..... only used for getting drunk, not really enjoying......? XDDDD

Anyway, when everyone is being pushed to get drunk, I sat quietly trying to hide from our owner..... She forces ppl to drink the whole glass of wine, then, another one!!!! =0=" So, I hid away, and now....... lets talk abt food.
First of all..... Snaks? Garlic bread, It is very soft inside and crunchy outside, lovely taste of garlic. Also, this is refillable! Our table ate 5 baskets of it~XDDDD

Next Starter!! What else can I say? GREAT!!!!!
I had goose liver with carmel apple(the name was much longer, I can't remember.) One of my collegues yelled out load that "I hv never ate a goose liver that doesn't taste of goose liver!" Er........... She was pretty hyper by then, a little drunk as well I guess........ I felt quite embarrassed...not just becoz the waiters looked pretty annoyed, it is that I do think that goose liver was good.

Next came the seafood(snail?) soup! Also really really nice!! Creamy, but not too thick~~ Portion was quite big, so good for hving a chat & drinking ur soup at the same time~ But well..... again our company dinner isn't abt enjoying really, I almost kept my head down taking spoon full of soup one by one...... =^= looking busy will stop ppl coming to you yelling "cheers". = =||||

Then came a sorbet, used for cleaning the palette(ur tongue). I think its a little too sour, im not really into red berries, but alright, it is good for its purpose.

Then, here we are, the beautiful beautiful main dish~~~
I ordered a sirloin lamb with vegetable. the lovely love little bun on the left is that veg! It's completely made of Chinese cabbage (I think=P), the little bun at the top was very soft, texture more like cake than bread. However..... the veg was a little bitter, also...... dunno was it becoz of the veg, the bun was a little salty......
The lamb, at first, I really really enjoyed it! Many ppl don't like the "smell of mutton", but I actually quite like it. I don't like lamb tasting like beef, in that sense I'll not need to order lamb right? Anyway, the "mutton smell" was there, but not too strong. The outer had a thin crispy layer, taking that with the meet itself, the texture was sooooooo good!! At the same time, the fat and the juiciness made the whole thing soooooooo delicious!!!!
The inner part of this was dry and hard, tasted like meet that have been used for boiling soup.
End. finished, there's nothing more to say about this but disappointment.

Next~ And Finally, the chocolate lava cake. The fruit.... super sour, but alright, u can't really control the fruit~XD the lava cake itself, hm............
I think it was at average standard. Outer was a little hard, i think they've put the ice-cream on top too long, it froze a little of the cake. The inner was melty chocolate, not too runny which was good. I think in general it is good for what it suppose to be. One of my colleague didn't appreciate that, she preferred it to be super soft outside and chocolate pouring out like water when she cuts it in half. =P

And........ after my pudding, I managed to sneak away, cos my boss was coming to me time after time, with a huge glass of wine in her hand = =|||| I really don't wanna spend my weekend in bed becoz of hangover. Therefore I skipped my tea/coffee part and left~~XDDDDD
Overall comment, not bad, and from dish to dish it was quite good~~ Oh, no...... almost forgot...... the fillet was tasteless~~ I took a bit from my department head, it taste like any random boiled fillet. It was served with tomato source, but still.......... I didn't like it = =" Maybe ppl who doesn't like too much flavor in their food will enjoy this one.
Hm....... Obviousely, I didn't.