To be more specific, more like Prince Edward, just a little further than langham palace.
It is a BBQ buffet thing at the top floor of an old old old building......
So old that it.......... has no elevator..........

The building wasn't high, JUST 8 FLOORS REALLY!!!
However, the old buildings tends to have high cellings..... therefore, 1 level of an old building is equal to 2 levels of normal buildings now!!! Which means......... I've climbed 16 floors!!! ><"
Anyway, mochi invited me, cos one of his best fds came back from Taiwan so.... had to get myself upthere........ but after I did, no time to look around, Chair!! Give me a Chair!!! (Dead)
After I had plenty of rests........ the fire was set up, (the staff did it for us), I went to get something to burn...... er..... I mean, to BBQ with........
Just had a little look, the view there was actually quite nice~! Not completely surrounded by buildings closely, less pressurised. Weather, plenty of wind.... and rain, but we had a tent over us, so it was completely fine~ I think it was actually gd, coz without the wind & rain, it'd be super stuffy!!

See? The best think I like here is that, it is clean!! Not sticky, no black muddy looking walls. Well, the chairs was a little grey....... but what'd u expect for BBQ? yeah, something like that~~ So, bearable.

See? again, clean!!! I like this~>W< About food, I think u can't talk much about it.... coz........

u see? Variety really isn't that much, I should hv bought some mrashmallows myself...... U MUST HAVE MRASHMELLOWS WHEN U BBQ!! >///0///<
Anyway, I'm not the ppl who love to BBQ, I just enjoy hving fds gathering burning away and chat at the same time~ This is the Hong Kong BBQ~~ English BBQ I've been, is more like a out door cooking picnic, I also enjoy that, cos the grown-ups do all the BBQing~ XDDD I just eat~~ haha~~~
While we were chatting, that fd came back from Taiwai said the TW way of BBQ is completely different, they do not have fish balls, saussages, chicken wings etc. during a BBQ, they have Dried Tofu, Vegtables, also some other dried stuff that I forgot~~
WHAT?! =0=" I hv always thought Taiwan BBQ is the same as HK!~
I mean......... isn't that annoying? spending time to BBQ something that is already dried? = =" Also, like the english BBQ, they do it on the net~ Not like the HK way~~~ That fd describe it as Super Boring and will never be able to eat enough = =|||| Er........ Understand where he comes from alright~ =P
Overall, fun night, =P Will definately go again, I hate doing washing up after BBQ~ Its so good that someone will do it all for u~~~ >W<b
Last, self loving pic~~~lol
