Er..... I guess u guys all had a pretty amazing new yr and x'mas~~
For me............ my Christmas............ no bad, not brilliant.......... =^= I was hoping for a great one thou.............
Anyway, this blog, I'll talk abt the 25th, the other days........ do tmr? XDDDD
Hum..... 25th was more of a relaxing day~~ Not much fuss rushing out to hv to go taking pic by the sea side what so ever~~ To start off, we had brunch....... and yup...... Curry.........
Isn't that just a super heavy brunch? XDDDDD
Personally, I hv always liked Japanese curry more than Indian curry.......... Not saying that they're not good, just............ I super bad in eating spicy food!! Take one bit of a curry chicken, I'll end up drinking 3 glasses of water before I bite into it again!! =""= This is why I like Japanese curry, they are sweet, mild, good to go with everything~~~
We came to this bee curry shop again, a fd said by its portion, a little expensive, but I think by the quality, it is a fair price. To be more precise, Oh well, its CWB, everything is expensive (ゝω・)

Mochi ordered Beef curry and Soba with Veg Tempura, that was a set~
Good for boys who eats a lot!! (lol)

I ordered fried potato cake, not really into meat in the morning~~~

From the pic u can just tell....... there's much is the curry sauce itself, I like it this way, coz Im not the kind of person who likes to hv big batcher within the mouth. I like it simple~~ Especially this is BRUNCH!! (★'A`!) (((stop emphasizing.....))
Also, this time we went wasn't at dinner, so it wasn't a set with drink and instead there was a miso soup. I was satisfied~~~ >///W///<
No, there was no next!! Mochi needed to go to work...... so I went and kind of help out a bit~~~ Dress code for the day~~~ Sweet Lolita~~~

This lolita I bought many many many yrs ago!! It supposed to come with a headdress= =|||| somehow I managed to loose it, and I had not got any ribbon at home. Tis why i end up looking so plain on the hair........ hurray.................(つ'A`゜)

Then~~~ My lovely lovely pretty FA friend Ryoko came with presents!!! >/////////<

Love ya baby!!!
Chestnut cake~~~ yeay~~~
That little deer at the top was disgusting otherwise the cake was good~~ ((((>x<)

Evening Activity~~~~~ Apple pie making!!
Dressing like this? Y not? XDDDDDDD
First~~ You get the pastry ready..........
I hv to say, the recipies from internet? They're never correct!!!! This pastry mixture I wasted 3 bath to get the texture just right!!! I hv no idea why the ppl who consider themself cooks can put something like that onto their blogs!! At the end I reduced 1/2 of the butter to that mixture, gosh!! (♯'`★!)

OK, then u bake ur pie......... (((steps jumped? XDDDDDD
It ends up like this~~ Not the most beautiful in the world, but I tried my best~~~~

The texture of the apple was perfect~~ Soft, and not too sour~~ the pastry I should have baked it for a while b4 baking the whole pie, it was a little soggy~~~ But I can live with that =P
I will definitely challenge this again~~~ I really like apple pies!!!

