So got held up till now~~ =P
This is a piece of blog with many many pics~~ So beware~~ XDDDDD
Anyway, this was kindda a cosplay job in Macau, some fds and I got invited to this cosplay event as guests~ So, we went~~~ XDDD So excited, it was my first time to Macau~!!! (Yup, i've never been there be4!)
↓ ↓ ↓ Click to read on~~ ↓ ↓ ↓
Since felt very hyper, I got my lolita on & all ready to go~! XDDDD
As planned, our trip was to go in a Saturday afternoon, then come back on Sunday night. However, due to accident, I stayed one night extra~~ Sorry for hving u guys seeing me in same outfit through out this blog. T^T I did wash my shirt at night tho~~~ >^<
When I got to the pier, my fd told me that, in macau, it is rare to see ppl dress like I did.... @0@ since lolita got very common in HK, I hv also seen a lot of ppl who wears lolita in macau I though it should be very common there too....!! Aparently.... Not really....... T^T
So had to take my ribbon off to look less discreet~
Arrived in hotel~~~ Rock Hotel~~~ It was one of the reason for y i went~~
These stairs were something u won't get in every hotel~~ Let's show u guys few more pics be4 we go on~~

After seeing some pic of the hotel outside, lets go in to the rooms~~~!!
First of all~~~ Decided to hv a cup of tea be4 leaving hotel for dinner~~~
Although we didn't get nice views, it was a lovely balcony~~
First of all~~~ Decided to hv a cup of tea be4 leaving hotel for dinner~~~
Although we didn't get nice views, it was a lovely balcony~~

Inside~~~ The Beds~~~~!!!!!
I loved the beds~!! >W< So grand, so soft~!! Wish I can hv that at home~!!!
A Grand Cupboard~~~The Top part has a TV inside~~ XDDDD
And THEN~!!!! THIS~!!!! Was another thing attracted me here~~!!!!
Cats foot bathtub!!! I hv always wanted to take pictures in one of them!!!
It is soooo romantic!!!!>/////<

First night, had the worst situation eva....!! The traffic was terrible in Macau!!!
Long queues in bus stations, taxi stations.... just queues everywhere!!!
We were gonna hv dinner in the food expo thing in macau but most of us did not hv mobile, also it was a guarantee that we will be separated, so we gave up~~ = =!!!
Ended up one of us had to call up hotel and to pick us up in mini bus~~~ Thank god they hv premium membership in hotels and casinos~~~ It is more of less how we travel round during the trip~~
Back to hotel after dinner, took my time taking pics with my lovely cat foot bathtub~~ >W< Its so bad that the bubbles did not last~~~ >"< it'd look much better with bubbles~~~~ Can anyone recommend me some bubble baths that the bubbles actually lasts??
Thank you to my photographer Seong~~ Its so difficult to find female photographers~~ >/////<
((I was wearing swimming costume btw))
Some highlights be4 i took my pics~~ other ppl were cosplaying and photo shooting in the corridor~~ Basically u can take pic everywhere in this hotel, just respect others. Do not make noise, do not climb up and down places where u shouldn't. mostly the staff will not bother you~~
Hahaha~~ Bad example of how to do ur eyebrow~~
After im done, went to see how others are doing in the boys' room~~ XDDDD
The rest of us who are done with photo shooting, more or less enjoying our chats in the other room~~ XDDDD
We ended up going to bed at around 5:00 am........ Nice chats guys~!! XDDDD So, breakfast at around 9~ 10 AM........... God, i was exhausted.......... = =!!!
HOWEVER~~~ Great English Breakfast saved my life~~~
Beans on toast~~~ Favourite~!! But my fds seemed pretty surprised about it~~?
It is not common to eat toast with beans on it?? @0@?
OK, off we go to the event~~~ It was a small event, but it was more fun than i thought~~
I loved the friendliness and the chats~~ >W< This is something i rarely find in hk cosplay events now~~
After that event..... HOLY SH*T!!! It was pouring with rain!!!!
I was walking along the ally, then all of a sudden my fd from behind pushed me hard as if we would die if we didn't hurry!! @@
I looked up, abt to ask whats going on... Then!! I saw a wall of rain was drawing close to us!! I mean it, it was like a moving waterfall going towards u!! Jesus~!! I hv never seen something soooo dramatic like that !! Thank god we were fast enough to get into a building~~ That all happened like in 5 seconds~~ = =!!!
Although we got away from that wall of rain, we still got a little wet, so I decided to stay for another night~~ =^= Our ferry were scheduled at 11:00pm.... i can't wait that long = =!!!
As some of us went to take pics in other places, so I waited in the hotel for ppl who decide to stay and hv dinner together~~~ It was a double bed that time~~XDDDD

Then, got to enjoy another night in the cat foot bathtub again~ Sooooo Relaxing~~~!! =//W//=+
Then, a hot cup of milk tea, in bed, watching TV~~~ Best way to recover from all the stress~!!! >/////<
The tea bags, coffee and coffee mate were free btw~~ XDDDD
It was a busy day~~ Many fuss, many problems~~ But for me, I think it was all good, cos i didn't give much thoughts of following the busy lot around~~ =P
I was really enjoying myself~~!! Haha~~ Hate busy trips~~~~
I hvn't talk much abt food this blog, cos there weren't much to talk abt, cos we didn't eat very well~~
Sorry to disappoint u guys~~~ >"<
Let's call that an end to the first day~~ I'll do another blog for the second day later on~~ =W=+
See Ya~~