Especially I went to the Venetian, so u guys can kindda guess how busy i was taking pictures~~~
Like said in previous blog, traveling from one place to another in Macau, it is best if u can take shuttle bus from one place to another, cos the taxi and buses are always full of ppl~~~ = =!!!
So, we took Venetian's shuttle bus and be4 that, we took some pic on the way~~ >W< Fisherman's Wharf is such a beautiful place!!!
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shhh...... HIDE!! A weirdo is trying to kill us!!

(That's actually our photographer's husband~ he did most of the luggage carrying~~!! Thanks sooooo much!! >//////<)
There were too many photos taken, I hvn't uploaded them all, I'll show u guys later when i get the time to do so~~ =P NEXTTT~~~~
Venetian~!!! First things first~~ Photos~~~~ XDDDDD
Casino~~~ We didn't go in, coz we had 2 underage with us~~ =P Will come back next time~~!!

One of the things that Venetian is famous for ---- the fake sky.....
I don't understand why ppl want to go all the way there to look at a fake sky? Outside is much better~!! No super tall / over crowded buildings blocking the sky, i couldn't see the point~

Canal Zone~~ Seriousely... the river is very fake = =!! Its pretty the first moment saw it, but after a few minutes..... er......... yeah~ a long pool with water~~~ = =" That's abt it~~

Although the famous parts were not that amazing, but the ppl there were very nice~!! >W< I think its becoz i was wearing special outfits~~ the helm can spot me easily and make compliments towards my direction~~>W< Thank you soooo much for the warm smiles and the lovely singing!! >/////<

To go on the boat ride, u hv to pay for it....... in our point of view, going on them boats felt like making a show to the ppl shopping on the riverside especially when i was dressing like that, I'll pass~~ Next time maybe~~

We were there for lunch, but since we were on a economy trip~~ we went for the food court~
However, i was very regret that I went for curry~~~ T^T

The source was very very watery, the nan bread was ordinary, the rice was hard..... tasted a little raw even = =!!! I took one bite from my fd's pizza.. OMG!!!!!!!!! It was delicious~!!!
Every bite was a thick layer of toping, also plenty of cheese and the paster came with it~~ Oh~~!! I love that cheese~!!!! So should hv got that pizza~!!! Q^Q

After lunch, more photo shooting~~>W<

Then............ we got a huge surprise~!!! We just made it to the x'mas event in Venetian~!!! They hv many ppl who are dressed in the theme for x'mas~~ The area was covered with snow (white stuff?) also~!! The atmosphere was great~~!!!>///////<

My favourite 2~!! >W< the King(?) held my hand and put his arms round my waist in another pic~!!>W<
I was flattered~~~

Beautiful view~!!>W<

Little souvenir from Venetian X'mas~~ >W<
The santa must hv been very bored~~ It took him a while to realised I was dressed like that~~~
I walked up to the seat, said "hi Santa".then he replied calmly "Hello"....... Then the next second, it felt like he only realised then what I looked like, he was amazed~! I think everyone were only supposed to have one pic taken, but after this photo was taken, Santa asked me to stand up and got the staff to take another one~XDDD He said I was his little elf~~! >W< Haha~~ So happy~~

Although a little late~~ but...........
回覆刪除Thanks^^ My fd had been the best photographer and tour guide ever for this trip~~