Now, about time to have a little review! XDDDDDD
First of all, this is my original hair length!

Well, why am I having my hair done~~~ er....... or I should talk abt why hv I cut my hair in the first place.
Dying hair is nice, just have been keeping it blond for at least 2 years!! (And I do mean the very very yellow blond!! ><") After a while, I couldn't even run a combe through my hair!! And, worst, my head skin was damaged....... having my hair tied up in a pony tail was already too much......
So........ I've turned my hair back into a natural dark brown, and just to show...... this was the HAIR which broke off from my hair by just brushing it!!!

<<<< By here............ FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!! BLOG LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>
<<<< I Swear I saved it as draft!!!!! Then UPLOAD my LAST PIC!!! The whole Fucking BLOG was GONE!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>
Fine......... lets do it again = =" Right, SO! I cut my hair off.......... so that it can grow all over again.
This is what I looked like then~~
I quite like it, I looked cooooool!!!~~~~ XDDDDDD

However, the problem arised……….. Modeling jobs……… Mostly look for girls with looooooooooong hair!!!! WHY!!!! Q^Q
Therefore………. I went for a hair extension done in >>> E Salon Station.
Many friends strongly recommend it, went for a try….
Overall comment? GREAT!!!!! Not to mention the 6 month free maintenance, just the service is unspeakably good!!!
Have you even been to a place to do you hair, the technician asks you would you like to have breakfast? They will prepare it for u!! =0=” I know it is just be4 she was quite close to Mc Donalds, however she did ask!~~~
When I arrived, the place was small, was messy, hair everywhere, but, first thing she did….. help me to place my handbag! Also, asked me whether I’ll need to charge up my mobile!!!! Wowww~~~ Clever!!
Then, she prepared a movie for me to watch I think that’s a must~~ It took me 2 hours…….
However, be4 I leave, she gave me DETAILED advices of how to take care of my hair!!
1) First, you have to tie your hair up when sleep~ The rubbing will mess up the extension base.

2) You do NOT use conditioner at the extension base, it’ll loosen up the base. Also, DO NOT bend over to wash your hair!!! You HAVE to stand up straight!!

3) When Shampooing, you massage your head with finger tips, not to mess up ur hair base!!! And, use cold wind when blow drying……

They’re a small shop, but these extra little details made the price reasonable. No other shop gives me such a detailed lecture of how to maintain my hair!! My hair extensions are supposed to last 3-4 months……
I do think it’s about time I get it off = =!!
I am toooo used to running my fingers through my hair from root to end…….. If I do this now…….. I’ll mess up the extension (Actually it is now happening.Q^Q)
Therefore…… I think till end of Aug…… I’ll take it all off!!
Finally, For those of you who reads my blog, you know how this worked, if I don’t tie my hair back, I bet you won’t notice my hair was extension. (I choose to use real hair BTW)
The volume was also very rich!! BUT, it costs me $1500HKD. I think if you don’t curl ur hair, u’ll not need such a thick volume of hair.
On the other hand for those who of u wants to try, trust me, u wouldn’t want it to last just a month.(it was less actually) Pay a little more, it makes the whole thing worth while!!
