2012年4月10日 星期二

Here we go/////
Starting new blog again and again....
no idea why, when u have a blog, it is easy for ur fds know about it. (even you open up a completely new email and blog)

Well, its not that I've got something to hide from my fds. Just, it feels better when I have somewhere to say whatever I want. The next day nobody asks me about the blog content. (eg : What happened to ur look? u look better with dark hair, why bleach it!?)

Right..... Fine.....

Got my hair dyed back to deep brown, not cos of fds' comments. Its my hair is getting a bit to the limit, bleached too many times..... So.... cut all ends off, and now in dark coloured hair. Will be getting new hair extensions in the coming few days. (my colleague worked in a salon be4, so... lets give it a try~~~~)

