2012年4月14日 星期六

Weight =0=

I guess this is what happens to girls who gets older.....
sometime or other, u start to aware that...... ur tummy seems to look.... well..... like a little hill? (lol)
I guess this is becoz the body metabolism slows down according to aging.... so, um.... can't help to notice this issue kicking in right? XDDDD

OK, This is whats happening to me at the mom.

(Weird  enough, my weight hasn't gone up, but tummy arising = ="")

Actually, I would hv never know I've actually got fat, if I needn't make an update for my com card!!
(I'm kindda a part time model by the way).

So.... from now on, im trying to hv as much fruit and veg as I can. At the same time.... trying to quit... er.... well, drink less cola.
Cola's my favorite drink, don't think I can quite completely, hehe, no way I can cut off /// =P
Im gonna cut down to 1 can a day from 2 or 3 cans a day. Got myself some yogurt  instead of  buying crisps. =W=+ Also got some whole meal bread, absorb more fiber to keep my intestine clean.. I guess? XDDDD That'll lower my hill for a bit.

So, here we go, me breakfast~~ =W=+
(Should have chosen the one without mayo, but, hehehe..... er.... just starting off...... cheat a little =P)

