makes me feel sleepy and hungry all the time(coz im cold).....

Hving more fruit and veg seems to be working~~ freq. of going to toilet gets a little more, my "hill" is slightly lowered. However, I know becoming fat isn't just about one single problem.
So, as usual, gonna have a big breakfast~~(again, my breakfast is a 12 noon~XDDDD)
It is actually hard to eat more in breakfast, especially for me.... well, ppl like me, who only starts working at around 11a.m.~12n.n. In HK, breakfast stops supplying at restaurants after 11a.m. Therefore, got myself some borscht as an appetizer~

At last only ate half the rice, but finished the chicken curry and soup. Cutting down the amount of starch im taking in is kindda good thing~ BTW starch is something that will make you fat. (i.e. noodles, rice, bread) u do need to eat it, just eat less than usual. (u can't avoide it completely anyway)
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Used my new eyeliner~~I find that getting the suitable eyeliner for me is difficult...... (Im oily skin type >"<)
It seems to smuge it all the time = =" but I hvn't done anything to it!~ no tears or scrubbing with my hand.This is talking about problem for both water proof or oil proof eyeliners......
Therefore, giving different eyeliners a try~~~
Since lots of ppl are using Dolly Wink, I might as well give it a try~
This is the colour it is when on skin, dark enough >W< I tried some eyeliners before turnes out to be a greyish black.... don't like it, it makes ur false eyelash obviously fakeXD, because the eyeline does not merge in with ur false eyelashs' line.
(sorry, my mirror is a little dusty) XDDDD
After using the eyeliners, result is.... draw on waterline will smuge as usual., but the eyeline does not~~! it doesn't get all over ur eye and make u look as if u hv not slept for 100 thousand yrs.
Just a question...... are there any eyeliner that does not smuge even u draw on ur waterline?