Right~~ The reason for why i separated 1 trip into 2 blogs is becoz i took tooooooo many photots~~
Especially I went to the Venetian, so u guys can kindda guess how busy i was taking pictures~~~
Like said in previous blog, traveling from one place to another in Macau, it is best if u can take shuttle bus from one place to another, cos the taxi and buses are always full of ppl~~~ = =!!!
So, we took Venetian's shuttle bus and be4 that, we took some pic on the way~~ >W< Fisherman's Wharf is such a beautiful place!!!
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2013年12月25日 星期三
2013年12月20日 星期五
Macau Trip~~!
It was a trip at the end of Nov~~ Again i got tooo lazy with them pics~~~
So got held up till now~~ =P
This is a piece of blog with many many pics~~ So beware~~ XDDDDD
Anyway, this was kindda a cosplay job in Macau, some fds and I got invited to this cosplay event as guests~ So, we went~~~ XDDD So excited, it was my first time to Macau~!!! (Yup, i've never been there be4!)
So got held up till now~~ =P
This is a piece of blog with many many pics~~ So beware~~ XDDDDD
Anyway, this was kindda a cosplay job in Macau, some fds and I got invited to this cosplay event as guests~ So, we went~~~ XDDD So excited, it was my first time to Macau~!!! (Yup, i've never been there be4!)
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Kakurega Ramen Factory~
Surprise Surprise~~ Food again..... n yup, alone agin!!! Q^Q
Jesus...... i hv no fds really right?! >"<
This was my 2nd time there~~ as i was in sum shui po for material purchasing~~
Was gonna leave and go home, but the time was almost 6:00pm, so might as well hv dinner be4 going home...... hv nothing to eat at home anyway = =!!
So I went, the shop does not open until exactly 6:00pm. so I joined the queue.
See that direction I took the photo from? Well, that was the WRONG direction to queue!! Beware!!! I was like the 2nd person there, but ended up hving to go very far back the queue cos the staff would not give me the order sheet.........
BTW, they give u order sheets be4 u get to sit down~~ that's a gd thing, so it saves ur waiting time~~~!! In an other words, this is not a place for u to sit round and chi-chat for 5 hours...! XDDDD
Anyway, I went to the back of the queue...... OTZ!!!! I got plenty of time to look around.....Q_Q
The walls are all filled with little drawings by pen / pencil~~ This made the dull mall alley more friendly and lively~~
Jesus...... i hv no fds really right?! >"<
This was my 2nd time there~~ as i was in sum shui po for material purchasing~~
Was gonna leave and go home, but the time was almost 6:00pm, so might as well hv dinner be4 going home...... hv nothing to eat at home anyway = =!!
So I went, the shop does not open until exactly 6:00pm. so I joined the queue.
See that direction I took the photo from? Well, that was the WRONG direction to queue!! Beware!!! I was like the 2nd person there, but ended up hving to go very far back the queue cos the staff would not give me the order sheet.........
BTW, they give u order sheets be4 u get to sit down~~ that's a gd thing, so it saves ur waiting time~~~!! In an other words, this is not a place for u to sit round and chi-chat for 5 hours...! XDDDD
Anyway, I went to the back of the queue...... OTZ!!!! I got plenty of time to look around.....Q_Q
The walls are all filled with little drawings by pen / pencil~~ This made the dull mall alley more friendly and lively~~
Apart from the drawings..... I saw this............
Just in case u got bored in waiting~~XDDDD So nice~~~ I can see the comic has been chosen for a reason~~~ (A comic abt cooking and eating the best in the world)
I havn't wait for a long time, I guess I was still very much at the front of the queue~~~
Went in , sat down~ Wait for foooood~~ at the same time, took picssssss~ XDDDD
I liked the way the whole place looked very raw~ no unnecessary decorations, also very much like the japanese street ramen stalls~~~ The seats are made from cola crags, that I couldn't take a pic of, cos i don't think the other consumers would like to see me doing that~~ =P
Next, since this is a dip ramen shop, the ramen are to be eaten with steps~XDDDDD
Here's the instructions~~~
These are the main ramen u can choose from~~ my favourite is the red~~~ >W<
It was tomato soup, a little spicy... well, saids the menu~ Something i can eat, so it is definitely not spicy at all~!!
Since u r supposed to dip ur ramen into the soup to eat, the soup is pretty condensed. This is why I like it~~! >//////< It is said in the instruction pic not to drink it directly, but i do anyway~~ XDDDD
See how much they put into one bowl of soup? This was pork, super soft, it felt very melty~!!
No sticking to your teeth, one bite, one chew, then down it goes~~!! Loved that soft texture~!!! Unlike general pork inside soup, being all tooooo chewy and hard to swallow~ >W<
Also, thin slices of pork were even better~!!
They have their names printed on the seaweed, But dunno why, they tend to put it faced down into the bowl as if they don't want it to bee seen?
This is hot spring egg~ Which the name really came from eggs boiled in hot springs, but here, it just refers to eggs that have runny egg yolks inside and firm egg white.
Ramen, personally i think its a little too hard, but i supposed ppl like that, just im weird >_<" Sorry~~
Anyway, the soup that got left over, u can ask for soups to be added in, so it waters it out a bit....
Last time, I asked for adding in broth, it was great~! Loved that soup~ But this time, the waitress did NOT ask and just gave me miso soup... that was nasty!! T^T Could not drink it, it tasted tooo strange~!!
I u were to go, rememeber, tell them exactly what u want!! @@
The whole thing including a can of cola cost me around 120 HKD, I think its a little expensive, but i think it is OK if u consider this as a treat for urself~ It was honestly good~~ >W<
2013年12月1日 星期日
Sushi Express~~ =//3//=
Well....... I randomly was window shopping alone the other day~~~
Then very unfortunately everybody had a date that night!! Q^Q so I was all alone for dinner~~~
Sh*t~~ T^T
I felt very much like hving sushi that night for no reason.....as usual... Well, i guess there's not much to choose from when u r alone for dinner T^T
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Then very unfortunately everybody had a date that night!! Q^Q so I was all alone for dinner~~~
Sh*t~~ T^T
I felt very much like hving sushi that night for no reason.....as usual... Well, i guess there's not much to choose from when u r alone for dinner T^T
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2013年11月26日 星期二
Dinner in TST~~
From time to time, I always come up with this sudden thought that I'd like some curry~
Not any random Jap curry found in most places, but the Chungking Mansions curry~!!
A few days ago....... one of them days came, so me and a fd went~~~XDDDD
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2013年11月10日 星期日
Comix Salon
One lovely Saturday afternoon, (XDDD) It was my fd's birthday in a few days' time~~ =P So we went out for lunch just before her lessons at night~~ ==" Students now are just ever so busy~!!
We chose a fast food restaurant which serves only large pieces of pizza that is just outside of Wanchai MTR station~~ It was honestly huge!! Took me a while to finish that~~XDDDD
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We chose a fast food restaurant which serves only large pieces of pizza that is just outside of Wanchai MTR station~~ It was honestly huge!! Took me a while to finish that~~XDDDD
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2013年10月30日 星期三
Minecraft addicted~~
YOOOOO!!! Hi everybody~~~
For the past month, i hv spent soooo much time in playing the game Minecraft~~~
Some of u might not know what it is, but u'll know when I show u the pics~~~~
I actually knew about this game when it was years ago, ppl build a Venice and invited ppl to go in their server to have a hide and seek competition. It was toooooo long ago, couldn't find the video to show u guys~~ T^T
Why am I playing this? Cos it is interesting~!! Well, it depends what mode u'd like to play~~
I have tried both survival mode and creative mode~~~
Survival mode is like you are throw into the middle of nowhere, then you have to find / make urself a shelter, food, tools etc. Normally you go for the simple tools first, then almost immediately, build yourself a house~~
In the beginning, you might just cover urself up in a cave~~ This is becoz zombies and spiders and all sorts of creatures will come kill you at night. It is more challenging, cos u hv to find a way to keep urself alive!! @@
On the other hand, if u are a more creative person, u can go into creative mode, it is when u hv all ur materials ready, u can make and build whatever u want, and even can fly~!! >///////<
Im trying to build a Laputa........ but in my fd's server.... my time and her time does not go well togrther.... so thinking just to build my own~~ =P
Anyway, this is the screen shot from my fd's server~~~ I took this shot quite a while ago, we burnt down the Scarecrow just outside the from door a few weeks ago~~~~
This is what u look like when u come across a skeleton archer at night~~~
Well, I got his gold armor~ so worth it~~XDDD
This is the Halloween decoration made by our GM, great isn't it? XDDDDDDD
View of Sunset~~ I hv to say, it is kinda beautiful~~~
This is me...... in the middle of a super tall tree....... trying to build a tree tower~~~~ I got to the top, the cloud actually comes through u~~ It was so cool~!!!!
This is what it looks like when building from a high place...... It doesn't look dangerous, but u die if u fall, and everything on u will be left at where u die~~~ So better get there quick after get back to life~~~XDDD
As there are more and more buildings in the area~~ We've become a town!!! So..... I've start to build a path to all buildings!! >W<
BTW, see the blue dots? that is rain~~~ They've event got thunder!! >W<
My other fd's server~~~~ She's built a Mansion.... with TV, bathroom all sorts!!!
This was a screen cap from my server~~~ This is what a sheep looked like in Minecraft~~~
Hahaha~~~ Stupid looking sheep~~~ XDDDD
This was my house~~ I've only started my survival mode here not long, so only a house made cheaply~~
I hv a better house in my own server now~~~ =P
This was the front of my new house~~~ XDDD
Nice See View right?!
Back to my fd's server////// This...... is the gate to hell...............
I'm serious~~~! This is a teleport to hell, which is a place for digging rare materials like materials to make glow stones.
Gundam Creeper~~ Creeper is a green monster that go next to u and explode~~
Damage caused is very serious~~~
This is what happens after creeper explodes~~ It was flat here~~~
This is a view taken when i was flying in creative mode~~~
So~~~~ That's it for now I guess~~~~ XDDDD
2013年10月7日 星期一
A Calming Maid Cafe~
>W<b ... Recently I heard many ppl saying that " I'd love to try maid cafe, just i don't want my fds to feel that im an otaku" <Otaku meaning please click here>
Although many maid cafe in HK is very ACG orientated, but, this one, just the atmosphere is more calm and less otaku, for ppl who want to try maid cafe, this can start u off~~
Although many maid cafe in HK is very ACG orientated, but, this one, just the atmosphere is more calm and less otaku, for ppl who want to try maid cafe, this can start u off~~
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2013年9月15日 星期日
Lantau afternoon tea~(?) XD
Since i was in mui wo for the weekend, Mochi n I went to hv a cheap afternoon tea in the Silvermine bay hotle! This hotel was sold to the current owner this yr~~ in my point of view, he/she is actually doing a pretty hood job! They now offer accommodation packages for tourists, launched a completely new menu and advertisements sent out. Lots more promotion done! There're even BBQ night during the mid autumn fest.
When i went past the hotel, there were obviously more ppl in the dinning area than be4! As I saw a large poster of the cheap tea set, i decided to give it a try.
Since i was in mui wo for the weekend, Mochi n I went to hv a cheap afternoon tea in the Silvermine bay hotle! This hotel was sold to the current owner this yr~~ in my point of view, he/she is actually doing a pretty hood job! They now offer accommodation packages for tourists, launched a completely new menu and advertisements sent out. Lots more promotion done! There're even BBQ night during the mid autumn fest.
When i went past the hotel, there were obviously more ppl in the dinning area than be4! As I saw a large poster of the cheap tea set, i decided to give it a try.
2013年8月28日 星期三
Distant Worlds, Final Fantasy Concert~~
First of all, this is super super late~~ As usual~~~ XDDDD
I hv begun to hv a habbit of writing blogs like months later after the event~~~
I still hv pending blogs of comic fair and CW to write about~~ By now I think not many of u would want to read about~~~ Cos its so outdated~~~~
This Final Fantasy concert, I hv to say, I got the tickets by luck!!!
My fd has given me the tickets becoz he was not able to go that night, no way for not going~~~~XDDDD
So, all dressed up that day, looking pretty for the concert~~~!!>W<
No time for dinner, so Mc Donalds for the evening in car~~XDDDDD
And, arrival~~~~ XDDDDD

Entrance, as a concert, there were really that many ppl~~~
Well, for HK, this is only a minor event~~~ (quoted by a report I know)
This is the hall before u go into the concert hall~~~ Its quite amazing that the hv F & B here~~ And, even Beer!! =0="
Message board~~~>W< My favourite was FFX-2 Rikku, but the board only had enough space for small words, couldn't draw!! T^T
Had a look at what goods were there.........
There weren't really that many goods to choose from really~~
I wanted to buy that CD, but, the queue...... = =" I'll buy from outside...........
As from here, I think I wasn't allow to take photo~~~ But I did, n the staff was right next to me, so~~ =W=+
I like playing games, just I never liked to play when I hv a whole bunch of ppl watching behind me. That's why I don't go to MK88/Smart game event I think that new dancing game machine was fun.
Back to here, Once you have played the game, they give u a free post card. Since I didn't, so I hvn't got it~~
Inside~~~ HERE WE GO!!!! area A!!! SOOOO CLOSE!!!!!
To make sure u guys know what it is, here's a London clip from youtube of this concert~~~
As a FF fan, I just can't miss this~~~(I cant say im a crazy fan though)
Well, to be honest, I hv played like 10 mins on FFX, cos i just hv not got a clue how to control, so always ending up watching my fd play till the end~~~
Basically, like I watched a movie!! XDDDDDD
The beginning song was soooooo beautiful!!! I've always liked it, but that was my first time hearing it in whole, cos in final fantasy dissidia, it does not get to the singing part~~~ =P
there were lots of familiar songs, well, especially familiar to me were FF 7, FF 8 , FF X, FFX-2~~
From the London version, they have eyes on me~~~~ I wish HK had that>/////< I love that song!!!
FFVIII was the reason of why I'm so into other FF~~~
Many years ago...... I watched a fan video clip of FF VIII!! The story!!! OMG!!!!! I just couldn't help but to think about it for soooooooooo LONG!!!!!
That was my first love story for a male game character~~ XDDDDDD
For those who don't know? HERE'S THE ENDING VIDEO FOR U~!!!!
Back to the concert, to the end, the encore song was this~! XDDDDD
They must hv this in every single concert~~!! How can they not hv it~~XDDDD
Anyway, in between the concert we had to move seats!!!
This, was supposed to be a concert!!!
I know fans are excited about it, I know there are lots of resonances~~~
It fine if u talk for like a few conversation when u know that song, but all though the whole first part, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
They were mainlanders, I know cos I can tell from their accent~ JESUS, I was trying my best to ignor them, but they were like flies flying round you. SOOOOOOO FU*KING ANNOYING!!!
I had no idea why they hv so much to talk about! I can just take them as HUGE FANS of FF, if they were only talking about the game, but, guess what? NO!!! They were talking about something else other than FF!!!! If it really isn't something so important, can't u just SHUT UP?! GOD!!
That's why I dislike mainlanders, they give me a reason to dislike them, really!! It is no longer a culture problem, it is abt manners OK!? Rude is just not a culture!!
Anyway, I moved seat, enjoyed the rest of the evening in peace, at last, I didn't go for name signing. I couldn't be bothered to do so~~~XDDDD I had nothing on my hand for the Mr. Nobuo Uematsu to sign anyway!! It'd be rude to let him sign on the free postcards~~~
So, that's it, another pending blog clear~!!! >W<
I hv begun to hv a habbit of writing blogs like months later after the event~~~
I still hv pending blogs of comic fair and CW to write about~~ By now I think not many of u would want to read about~~~ Cos its so outdated~~~~
This Final Fantasy concert, I hv to say, I got the tickets by luck!!!
My fd has given me the tickets becoz he was not able to go that night, no way for not going~~~~XDDDD
So, all dressed up that day, looking pretty for the concert~~~!!>W<
No time for dinner, so Mc Donalds for the evening in car~~XDDDDD
And, arrival~~~~ XDDDDD

Entrance, as a concert, there were really that many ppl~~~
Well, for HK, this is only a minor event~~~ (quoted by a report I know)
This is the hall before u go into the concert hall~~~ Its quite amazing that the hv F & B here~~ And, even Beer!! =0="
Message board~~~>W< My favourite was FFX-2 Rikku, but the board only had enough space for small words, couldn't draw!! T^T
Had a look at what goods were there.........
There weren't really that many goods to choose from really~~
I wanted to buy that CD, but, the queue...... = =" I'll buy from outside...........
As from here, I think I wasn't allow to take photo~~~ But I did, n the staff was right next to me, so~~ =W=+
Huge posters~~~~
Back to here, Once you have played the game, they give u a free post card. Since I didn't, so I hvn't got it~~
BUT!!! they hv another one which u subscribe to PS, they give u another post card for free~!
Lightening~~~ >///////<Inside~~~ HERE WE GO!!!! area A!!! SOOOO CLOSE!!!!!
To make sure u guys know what it is, here's a London clip from youtube of this concert~~~
As a FF fan, I just can't miss this~~~(I cant say im a crazy fan though)
Well, to be honest, I hv played like 10 mins on FFX, cos i just hv not got a clue how to control, so always ending up watching my fd play till the end~~~
Basically, like I watched a movie!! XDDDDDD
The beginning song was soooooo beautiful!!! I've always liked it, but that was my first time hearing it in whole, cos in final fantasy dissidia, it does not get to the singing part~~~ =P
there were lots of familiar songs, well, especially familiar to me were FF 7, FF 8 , FF X, FFX-2~~
From the London version, they have eyes on me~~~~ I wish HK had that>/////< I love that song!!!
FFVIII was the reason of why I'm so into other FF~~~
Many years ago...... I watched a fan video clip of FF VIII!! The story!!! OMG!!!!! I just couldn't help but to think about it for soooooooooo LONG!!!!!
That was my first love story for a male game character~~ XDDDDDD
For those who don't know? HERE'S THE ENDING VIDEO FOR U~!!!!
Back to the concert, to the end, the encore song was this~! XDDDDD
They must hv this in every single concert~~!! How can they not hv it~~XDDDD
Anyway, in between the concert we had to move seats!!!
This, was supposed to be a concert!!!
I know fans are excited about it, I know there are lots of resonances~~~
It fine if u talk for like a few conversation when u know that song, but all though the whole first part, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
They were mainlanders, I know cos I can tell from their accent~ JESUS, I was trying my best to ignor them, but they were like flies flying round you. SOOOOOOO FU*KING ANNOYING!!!
I had no idea why they hv so much to talk about! I can just take them as HUGE FANS of FF, if they were only talking about the game, but, guess what? NO!!! They were talking about something else other than FF!!!! If it really isn't something so important, can't u just SHUT UP?! GOD!!
That's why I dislike mainlanders, they give me a reason to dislike them, really!! It is no longer a culture problem, it is abt manners OK!? Rude is just not a culture!!
Anyway, I moved seat, enjoyed the rest of the evening in peace, at last, I didn't go for name signing. I couldn't be bothered to do so~~~XDDDD I had nothing on my hand for the Mr. Nobuo Uematsu to sign anyway!! It'd be rude to let him sign on the free postcards~~~
So, that's it, another pending blog clear~!!! >W<
2013年8月1日 星期四
HK lolita charity event
As some of u guys may know~ I wear lolita~~
However, I only consider it as a type of clothing, I do not consider it as a living style.
For those of you who don't know what lolita is, please read abt it on my next blog, I'll do one later on. Let's just talk abt this gathering first ^0^
This is the only one lolita event I was interested, although August has another major event, but early registration is needed..... I don't even know what I'll be doing in August so didn't apply for that one~~
This Miss Charity event was organised by by <華夏. Lolita> , lets talk abt this event by the flow~~
First of all, arrival~~ Each table had a different flower name, there were little decorations set according to that name~~
This was the blue rose table~~ with blue rose cupcake(not for eating XDDD)
P.Serrulata~~ This they said can be brokeup into different hair accessories~~ XD
Macrophylla, a bouquet~~ Cute~!>W<
Finally is our table~ With my sheepppp XDDDD actually out decoration was a flower stick thing~~XDDDD
After little introdution and opening~ Lunch TIME!!!!!!
Although that was not brilliant food, but enough to fill me up~~ Actually there was a funny thing~~ Since all the drinks were bought from Gongcha, when we take photos we had to hid all our cups~~XDDD it was quite a funny scene when all 7 of us putting away our cups~~>W<
Thinking, "is that it?!" OF COZ NOT!!!
When this tea tower came out, everybody was cherring!! SOOOO CUTE!! It was made by one of the girls here~!! I wish I could do that..... T^T
Since I was 80%% full, this tower I was eating at a super slow speed......
BTW, My fd also made this cute little macaron for us~!! LOVELY!!!
As u can see from the name, this was a charity event, there were lolita related items sponsored by shops and people for an auction. All the excess money will be donated to ORBIS and MSF.
For me, I hv also made a bonnet "Classic Pearl" for bidding~~ The photo was sent to Apple who was the main host of this event~~
I've never though my photo was used like this~!!XDDDDDD
Most of the items were sold at a price lower than price u can buy from outside, but still a realatively reasonable standard! Eveyone were doing their part in this charity event! >W<
After the auction, we played a game called "selling guy"(?)~ That was really my first time to play~~ @@
Basically, each table will have an item to collect, the fastest to complete wins~~
Our table had to collect 25 rings, however, our table didn't hv enough, so we rushed to other table to take pics of the other ppl's hands(photos count)~~XDDDD
Thanks for giving us a hand guys~!XDDDDD
According to the winning order, we were to go out and see the vending items in the order~~ We came third><"
Since there were too much to see...... I had no time to take pics~!! XDDDD hahaha...... Shopping shopping~~~~
All these goods sold here are also doing charity work, the shop will donate an amount of mony to the charity according to each item sold~~>W<
I bought more than expected ......
> A blue lolita shirt (I made a choker to go with the top after got home~)
> A red flower hair accessory
> Chineseish Lolita set (favourite) , I saw this set on website befor the event... Hoping it wasn't gonna get bid up to toooo high a price, then when I got there, it wasn't for bidding!!! GOOOOOOD!!!! I think I suit these chineseish lolita more than the cute lolitas..... I think Im gonna change my style afterwards.... =P
Finally~ Posting my actual look for the day~~ >////<
Finally Finally..... my look when going to dinner afterwards~~XDDDDD
(I was dinning at a chinese market, what'd u expect? XDDDDD)
However, I only consider it as a type of clothing, I do not consider it as a living style.
For those of you who don't know what lolita is, please read abt it on my next blog, I'll do one later on. Let's just talk abt this gathering first ^0^
This is the only one lolita event I was interested, although August has another major event, but early registration is needed..... I don't even know what I'll be doing in August so didn't apply for that one~~
This Miss Charity event was organised by by <華夏. Lolita> , lets talk abt this event by the flow~~
First of all, arrival~~ Each table had a different flower name, there were little decorations set according to that name~~
This was the blue rose table~~ with blue rose cupcake(not for eating XDDD)

P.Serrulata~~ This they said can be brokeup into different hair accessories~~ XD

Macrophylla, a bouquet~~ Cute~!>W<

Finally is our table~ With my sheepppp XDDDD actually out decoration was a flower stick thing~~XDDDD

After little introdution and opening~ Lunch TIME!!!!!!
Although that was not brilliant food, but enough to fill me up~~ Actually there was a funny thing~~ Since all the drinks were bought from Gongcha, when we take photos we had to hid all our cups~~XDDD it was quite a funny scene when all 7 of us putting away our cups~~>W<

Thinking, "is that it?!" OF COZ NOT!!!

When this tea tower came out, everybody was cherring!! SOOOO CUTE!! It was made by one of the girls here~!! I wish I could do that..... T^T
Since I was 80%% full, this tower I was eating at a super slow speed......
BTW, My fd also made this cute little macaron for us~!! LOVELY!!!

As u can see from the name, this was a charity event, there were lolita related items sponsored by shops and people for an auction. All the excess money will be donated to ORBIS and MSF.
For me, I hv also made a bonnet "Classic Pearl" for bidding~~ The photo was sent to Apple who was the main host of this event~~

I've never though my photo was used like this~!!XDDDDDD

Most of the items were sold at a price lower than price u can buy from outside, but still a realatively reasonable standard! Eveyone were doing their part in this charity event! >W<
After the auction, we played a game called "selling guy"(?)~ That was really my first time to play~~ @@
Basically, each table will have an item to collect, the fastest to complete wins~~
Our table had to collect 25 rings, however, our table didn't hv enough, so we rushed to other table to take pics of the other ppl's hands(photos count)~~XDDDD
Thanks for giving us a hand guys~!XDDDDD
According to the winning order, we were to go out and see the vending items in the order~~ We came third><"
Since there were too much to see...... I had no time to take pics~!! XDDDD hahaha...... Shopping shopping~~~~
All these goods sold here are also doing charity work, the shop will donate an amount of mony to the charity according to each item sold~~>W<
I bought more than expected ......
> A blue lolita shirt (I made a choker to go with the top after got home~)

> A red flower hair accessory

> Chineseish Lolita set (favourite) , I saw this set on website befor the event... Hoping it wasn't gonna get bid up to toooo high a price, then when I got there, it wasn't for bidding!!! GOOOOOOD!!!! I think I suit these chineseish lolita more than the cute lolitas..... I think Im gonna change my style afterwards.... =P

Finally~ Posting my actual look for the day~~ >////<

Finally Finally..... my look when going to dinner afterwards~~XDDDDD
(I was dinning at a chinese market, what'd u expect? XDDDDD)

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