2012年5月6日 星期日

Free Gifts~

All of u who buys jap magazines would know~~~
They ALWAYS hv free gifts!!

Since I work in a company which sells jap clothes(i resigned anyway). They always buy mag and we get the free gifts~~ (wat i call staff benefit. XDDD)

This is the free gift from NONO June Issue!~

I hv been using a westwood bright red purse for i think nearly 3 yrs~~~ abt time to get a new one~~

Many of my fds use this kind of long purse, with "just a try thgouht", I started to use it!
Well, I wasn't expecting so much from this purse, only though if I like the long purse, I would buy a new one~~ Coz I always thought that long purses take up too much space in my handbag. Im now looking at the new samantha thavasa items =W=+.... Love the mint coloured purses~~

However~!! Came by suprise, this free gift is actually quite good to use~~~!!
I don't like the colour very much~~ I figured that when I hv time, I would make some changes to it~~!! I'll post it here when its done~! >///3///<

