(Blog backup from Jacso.com)
Yeaaaa~~~~ Actually made this last week, but didn't hv time to take good pic of it =P
Also got myself some new items from "earth music & ecology".
SO............. to blog this n share with everyone!

First of all, this bue ribbon, I made it after I went shopping! >W< I saw many this type of hair accessories in the shopping malls.... I then realised, it is really not all that hard to make! =0=""
So, pull a spare button off my Liz Lisa coat, and found my lace and ribbon(left overs). Then start stitching!!(with sewing machine of coz)

I have quite a few pairs of high heels, but i don't like wearing them bare feet~~ so, these lace socks are my life saver!!
I don't have a full body length mirror..... so, a pic just about to be able to see what the tee looks like after wearing^///0///^

I'm gonna do a how to blog about my ribbon~~ =P Since some fds asked abt it. Will be updating soon!
Now... Allow me to be a little self loving(?) XDDDDD Pics with my rilakkuma n キレネンコ!! XDDDDDD

And..... happy togather!! 
