2012年5月10日 星期四


New blog headder added~~ XDDDD that photos was long time back~~~
Would love to hv the blond hair back >"< But work....... u know, just can't hv that.

Anyway, new contacts arrived, PURPLE~!
My last pack was brown, this time, give different colour a try~~>W<

This pack I bought it from a fd, who is an optometrists. He said this brand is good to wear, so I tried. This brand is soooooo comfy!!! Thin, moisted!! The colour may not be as stand out as the Jap. brand contact u see in Vivi or Popteen, but, good enough for me! >//////<

(I hv NOT alter the photo brightness or the colour! What u see is what u get~!)
I used to buy Korean and Taiwan brand contacts, also tried Japanese brand bling bling eye contacts. They were nice~ Also very colourful, however when I need to wear them 24 seven, it became too much. Some of the lense were thick, my eyes got really dry n tired very soon. (I have troublesome eyes)

Knowing  the  indisposed feeling I know I will get, the next time when I need to wear the thick contacts...... I rather wear my normal contacts. So, this new pack, I strongly recommend those of u who hv delicate eys to wear!! Clean, no fuss~! >W<

Every girl likes to look pretty, but I am not sure about sacrificing ur eyes' health. Eyes are very important. =^=,

